Elizabeth Henson

77: Entrepreneur vs Intrapreneur & BTS



77: Entrepreneur vs Intrapreneur & BTS

My big feelings are waiving hello!!! 👋🏻 

Join me as I talk through my thoughts on living the best of both worlds of being an entrepreneur and intrapreneur, handling these big feelings, and how to achieve that perfect work week!

AND if you’re interested in having one of my dear friends be a guest on this show so we can discuss more of the topic I shared, let me know in the comments section. I would love to know your thoughts.

As always, thanks for dropping by – you are AMAZING! ✨

Show Notes:

00:18 – This week in The Messy Success Podcast

1:05 – My current ‘big feelings’ 

03:44 – Behind the Scenes

04:40 – Difference between Intrapreneur and Entrepreneur

06:24 – Where I am now

08:07 – Creating the schedule you dreamed of

11:22 – The perfect work week

14:27 – Stop feeling the void

17:53 – The Community Builder